Special Situation #1: Your Best Friend is a Girl

Your Best Friend is a Girl. You’ve decided that you want to be more than friends.  Great relationships are built on great friendships, this could be a wonderful thing. If she wants it too. Changing your relationship is a bit of a risk but worth it if you decide she’s the one you want to … Continue reading

The Confused

Time for another story: If you’re going to ask a girl out, you should probably make sure she at least knows who you are. My first year working, I received a very politely worded email asking me out.  Now, first, as I’ve already stated, this is not an acceptable way to ask a woman out.  … Continue reading


  What is pseudo dating? There two types of relationships that can be defined as “pseudo-dating”.  The first is when you and a girl that you are friends with do everything together – hang out, go to events together, talk, etc but you say you’re  “just friends”, even though everyone around you is like “yeah … Continue reading

Girls love guys with…..

Kids and Dogs Two things that girls love: guys playing with kids and guys playing with dogs. The kids don’t have to be your own.  Feel free to borrow nephews and nieces, neighbors, strays, etc. If you’re the kind of guy who likes dogs, and you want to meet a girl who also likes dogs, … Continue reading

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